This job is crazy. It's satisfying work for the most part but very involved and intense. It's not a huge exaggeration to say we sleep, drive and work.
This is what my day looks like:
11:00 am-ish: wake up. Lay in bed contemplating quitting or faking sick. Decide the money is worth getting out of bed.
Noon: Get out of bed and get ready for the day. I have black and grey shirts and black and grey pants so getting dressed is easy yet boring. Because getting dressed is so boring I have been playing around with make-up a little more. My hair is pretty wavy in the Texas humidity so I've just been air drying it and washing it like twice a week.
1:00 pm: Meeting time. Prep equipment and talk about the day before.
2:00 pm: pack a cooler full of food and drinks and hit the road. We've been driving pretty far all summer. The last month has been an hour commute every day. It's killing me.
3:30 ish pm: Sit around in a car waiting for jobs. Hopefully you get one within an hour of being there or else you get really tired and talk yourself out of caring.
Midnight (at the earliest): arrive home. Make some food. Watch some TV.
2:00 am: Go to sleep vowing to try to get to bed earlier the next day.
3:30 ish pm: Sit around in a car waiting for jobs. Hopefully you get one within an hour of being there or else you get really tired and talk yourself out of caring.
Midnight (at the earliest): arrive home. Make some food. Watch some TV.
2:00 am: Go to sleep vowing to try to get to bed earlier the next day.