Sunday, December 7, 2014

A Timely Thanksgiving Post

We hosted Thanksgiving at our place this year! It was great because I was forced to put something on the walls to make it look somewhat homey in here. We actually even painted the wall a different shade of blue! 

I even managed to make a pretty cute centerpiece. I bought the scented pine cones which I later learned Gab loathes so I had to spray them with febreze and hang them outside to try to get the scent gone. A labor of love, I tell ya. 

Gab's siblings and mom came down for most of the week and I was so so very very happy to have a house full of people. It was a mess! I love big messy houses full of people. The house looked "lived in" and it was truly the best. 

We managed to get everyone dressed in the midst of cooking on Thanksgiving and headed over to Snow Canyon Overlook for some family pictures. 

Notice Gab's hand grabbing me like I'm going to fall off that cliff. Ever so awkward in front of a camera, that boy. 

We've started this little tradition where we take pictures with Castle on our shoulders like this. He usually plays along pretty well but he was clearly terrified at being up there on this cliff side. Poor guy. 

The only thing left to do is the  obligatory list of things I'm thankful for. 

1. Our home that fits plenty of family for times like this. 
2. Castle. And our early morning walks on the mountain. He got lost for 40 minutes on the mountain the day before Thanksgiving and I about lost it. 
3. Technology so that I could Facetime with my fam for a few minutes on Thanksgiving. This is the second year in a row I haven't spent Thanksgiving with them which is super weird and is another clue to the fact that I'm "growing up" I guess. 
4. Game nights with Gab's side of the family. They're pretty epic. 
5. Having adorable little nephews running around. 
6. Gab. Because he is just my favorite person. 
7. And Gab's hair because come on, he has awesome hair. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Head in the Clouds

A couple of months ago Castle and I have gave up leashed walks in lieu of making the mile drive to the old airport to do the temple quarry hike every day. It's a win win. He gets to run around the mountain hunting birds and getting all his crazy morning energy out and I don't have to get my arm ripped off.

The trail is also a lot prettier than our neighborhood streets. Especially on rainy, gorgeous days like this one when the clouds come down for a visit and you get to walk through them and admire the saturated blacks, greens and reds that are surrounding you.

December is looking quite lovely so far.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Random Story

This is a super random post with no pictures but I keep thinking about this moment that happened yesterday and giggling. So here I am! To write it down. I was up front at work cashiering when an old couple came through my line. They were buying Christmas decorations and lights. The old man was loading things up onto the counter and then just stood there kind of in the way while the lady was trying to pay. They fumbled around for a second before she said, "move!" in a rather bossy voice. Then the old man just said, "ok" in a rather jolly voice. And I just thought it was rather adorable. Why? Maybe I'm picturing Gab and I in 50 years. Maybe I just love old married people. They are a rarity and I bow down to them. That's all.