Sunday, December 7, 2014

A Timely Thanksgiving Post

We hosted Thanksgiving at our place this year! It was great because I was forced to put something on the walls to make it look somewhat homey in here. We actually even painted the wall a different shade of blue! 

I even managed to make a pretty cute centerpiece. I bought the scented pine cones which I later learned Gab loathes so I had to spray them with febreze and hang them outside to try to get the scent gone. A labor of love, I tell ya. 

Gab's siblings and mom came down for most of the week and I was so so very very happy to have a house full of people. It was a mess! I love big messy houses full of people. The house looked "lived in" and it was truly the best. 

We managed to get everyone dressed in the midst of cooking on Thanksgiving and headed over to Snow Canyon Overlook for some family pictures. 

Notice Gab's hand grabbing me like I'm going to fall off that cliff. Ever so awkward in front of a camera, that boy. 

We've started this little tradition where we take pictures with Castle on our shoulders like this. He usually plays along pretty well but he was clearly terrified at being up there on this cliff side. Poor guy. 

The only thing left to do is the  obligatory list of things I'm thankful for. 

1. Our home that fits plenty of family for times like this. 
2. Castle. And our early morning walks on the mountain. He got lost for 40 minutes on the mountain the day before Thanksgiving and I about lost it. 
3. Technology so that I could Facetime with my fam for a few minutes on Thanksgiving. This is the second year in a row I haven't spent Thanksgiving with them which is super weird and is another clue to the fact that I'm "growing up" I guess. 
4. Game nights with Gab's side of the family. They're pretty epic. 
5. Having adorable little nephews running around. 
6. Gab. Because he is just my favorite person. 
7. And Gab's hair because come on, he has awesome hair. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Head in the Clouds

A couple of months ago Castle and I have gave up leashed walks in lieu of making the mile drive to the old airport to do the temple quarry hike every day. It's a win win. He gets to run around the mountain hunting birds and getting all his crazy morning energy out and I don't have to get my arm ripped off.

The trail is also a lot prettier than our neighborhood streets. Especially on rainy, gorgeous days like this one when the clouds come down for a visit and you get to walk through them and admire the saturated blacks, greens and reds that are surrounding you.

December is looking quite lovely so far.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Random Story

This is a super random post with no pictures but I keep thinking about this moment that happened yesterday and giggling. So here I am! To write it down. I was up front at work cashiering when an old couple came through my line. They were buying Christmas decorations and lights. The old man was loading things up onto the counter and then just stood there kind of in the way while the lady was trying to pay. They fumbled around for a second before she said, "move!" in a rather bossy voice. Then the old man just said, "ok" in a rather jolly voice. And I just thought it was rather adorable. Why? Maybe I'm picturing Gab and I in 50 years. Maybe I just love old married people. They are a rarity and I bow down to them. That's all.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

my tips for traveling with a dog

Apparently I think taking one trip with my dog qualifies me to write down tips for traveling with a dog. But in my defense we racked up over 40 hours in the car with a 4 month old puppy. And we did alright if I do say so myself.

We had Castle for 6 weeks when we took a trip to Washington State to visit family. We had no idea how our hyperactive dog was going to do being in a car for that long. It was a 16 hour drive to Coulee Dam Washington to see my family and then another 5 to Bremerton to see Gab's mom. By the time we got home we had clocked about 45 hours in the car. Luckily for us, besides the farting, Castle did great. Here's a few things we did to attempt to make the trip go smoothly.

1. Buy a new bone that they've never had before. The new taste will keep them busy for a few hours at least.
2. Buy a new toy. They will be excited to play with it in the car, during stops and wherever it is you're going.
3. Set up a designated sleeping area for them. We put his crate in the back with the seats down and he slept in there probably 50% of the time.
4. Take the time to play and run them around for ten to fifteen minutes at every stop. When we stopped Gab would gas up the car and get the snacks and I would try to find some grass so he could go to the bathroom and then I would run around and play with him to try to get his wiggles out. The investment is well worth it because even those ten minutes of play would tire him out to go to sleep for a while.
5. This might seem like a no brainer but make sure you get a hotel room that allows dogs. I had never had to think about that before and it almost slipped my mind so make sure you don't get charged extra.
6. Make sure they have their regular comforts with them. For example, the same food they usually eat  and enough of it so you don't have to buy them new food that will upset their stomach. We also brought his favorite toy and tried to keep his sleeping pattern the same.
7. Pack your sense of humor. Castle was farting so much in the car. We had to roll the windows down going 80 on the freeway like 20 times and we had to laugh or else we would have cried. He also slept on my lap a lot of the time because he could only be in his kennel so much before going completely crazy so I had to share my tiny portion of the car with a 20 pound dog. It was frustrating yet comical.
8. Make sure they still get their exercise even though you're on vacation! They need it!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

How to pretend you're out of town for the day.

If I had it my way we'd be visiting a new city every weekend. But I don't have it my way. Yet. 
So sometimes you have to visit your own city. Here's how. 

Step one: Sleep in. Then when you finally wake up around noon and get ready, put on your hawaiian shirts. This ensures you get in the right mindset. Party mode, if you will. 

Step two: Have lunch at the Painted Pony outside on the deck. Order a vanilla italian cream soda with two straws. Take pictures, because that's what you do on vacation. 
Step Three: Take your dog to the dog park that's clear across town. He'll meet new dogs, you'll meet new dogs. It's all so new and so very exciting. 

Step three: Stay up late watching a movie and making out with your sexy blonde husband because he is sexy and blonde and you are on fake-one-day-vacation.

So this post is a fake. We did sleep in but that's not unusual and after we cleaned our house (so not vacation like) we got ready to go to lunch, and realized we were both wearing Hawaii type shirts. A mirror selfie ensued (Gab loves those). It is true that Painted Pony's deck totally feels like vacation but Gab is the one that ordered the drink and the waiter took it upon himself to bring two straws. Gab was upset he had to share.  When we went to take Castle out we decided that since it was Saturday we would drive clear across town to the other dog park for a change of scenery. But it's always true that Gab is a sexy blonde and how lucky am I that I get to look back on a day with him and realize it was kind of like taking a fake one day vacay. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Labor Day 2014

Labor Day this year was chock full of...labor. Our darling (ha) little Castle man is a ball of energy and one morning after Castle pantsed me when my hands were full and then proceeded to bite my legs and sweatpants I texted Gab and said "we're building a fence this weekend". So we did folks, we did.

Well we got started on it at least. It's expensive stuff, but anything for Castle man. Just kidding, it's for my sanity.

I take him on a walk every morning but every morning when we get home, after he's eaten, he goes nuts and starts running in circles around the house as fast as he can and just barks and yeah... typing it out makes it seem really normal but it's quite the event in person.

Onward. First Gab mowed the lawn and Castle followed him around and barked and tried to be a tough guy around the big bad lawn mower.

Then we went to talk to the friendly peeps at Home Depot to get all our supplies. We tied Castle up so we could be productive and he was none too pleased.

Then Gab dug the holes for the posts. Castle helped. He guarded the dirt. 

At this point we had been in the hot sun all day and we were starving and itching to spend the Painted Pony gift card that our realtor gave us. And it's always nice to get a little dressed up after you've been sweaty and dirty all day long. So we went to Painted Pony and had a lovely meal. Gab pleasantly surprised me when he said, "let's get the mussels" for an appetizer. But then he took some convincing to try my tomato and mozzarella stacked salad. There's the picky guy I know and love.

It's a definite adjustment not having family around all the time. I'm so used to, and in love with, the craziness that comes standard with a family of nine. But quiet meals with my husband on days like today are pretty great too. 

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Story of Home

This is the story of how we came to be the proud owners of a darling brick home smack dab in the center of a cul-de-sac. The house is perfect, the process was not. But whose first-time home-buying process is perfect? If yours was, don't tell me; it's much too soon.

I've been looking into buying a home for about a year now. Very tentatively at first, just trying to figure out if it would be in any way possible. I loved the idea of not paying rent anymore and making a good investment and being able to paint the walls without Freaking Trent making it so impossible. I searched Remax and local sites whenever I had time, wishing and dreaming. I did that for about 6 months until I found a tiny two-bedroom 900 square foot house for $95,000. It was old and adorable and I saw so much potential with the property. Gab took some convincing but we got pre-approved for a loan and put it an offer. Well someone else was quicker and we didn't get it. I was bummed and even that small process was draining so I hung up the towel for the time being.

When Gab and I started looking for our own place to rent we wanted to find something very, very cheap so we could purchase a home in a year or so. We were looking at one bedrooms and studios that went for around $475 a month. We were ready and willing to rough it for a while basically.

Then one day a Craigslist miracle happened. I was browsing through the rentals on my lunch break at work when I came across the most ideal place for our situation. I hurried and called the lady right then and it's a good thing I did because she had so many calls the listing was only up for probably three hours. We set up a time to go look at it that night.

The place was an above the garage apartment in my favorite St. George neighborhood (up above Diagonal). The lot was tucked into the very corner of the street against the mountain and the garage was detached and enormous. The apartment was small but the deck was probably 900 square feet. I had already started looking for outdoor furniture and planning barbecues.

When we pulled up I was flipping out at how gorgeous the place was and then we saw a Vivint truck in the driveway. Um, Gab works for Vivint. Connection. We were in. The lady showed us the place and gave us an application and after some very intense nudging and eye contact with Gab he finally got my message and brought up the fact that he also worked for Vivint. She perked right up. She left us there to fill out the application and about three minutes later her husband came out. Boom. We chatted for 20 minutes. When it came up that I worked at Hurst he said his wife was always buying clothes in there and how much they loved the store. We left with plans to go home and pack our bags.

Well you can probably guess we didn't get it. The lady called and said that it was a hard decision but they decided to go with someone else. I was crushed. The only thing I can think of was that they wanted a single occupant renter.

I took it as a sign and told Gab we were supposed to buy a house. He's very good at going with me on my ideas, whether they're small or crazy. I started hitting up again every day. Our original plan was to get something small that we could pay off super quick and then turn around and rent it while we buy something bigger and more long term. We looked at a few condos and townhomes but the HOA fees were stupid high and the rooms were dark. I was so done living in dark dens. The good thing about looking at those condos was the fact that we met Ray, our real estate agent. He was very knowledgeable and patient with us over the next couple months and would always check in with us every couple weeks to send us a listing or see if we saw anything. The answer was always no. I hadn't found anything.

We had decided to look for a single-family home in the price range of $100,000-$150,000 and I really wanted to stay in downtown St. George. There were options but if I were going to spend that much money it had to make me swoon a little instead of just checking off the boxes.

One day I decided to see what happened if I upped the price slightly. I was trying to stay strict with myself but nothing was happening. So I changed the maximum to $200,000 and what do you know, my house was staring me in the face.

Side note: I always get very strong feelings when things are meant to be mine. My car that I've been driving for 3 years that I love? I saw it and instantly felt a connection (if you can call it that). My dad tried to talk me out of buying it because it had a rebuilt title. I kept coming back to it and when it was still available a month later and I had found nothing else I just went with my gut and bought it. That's how I felt about this house.

It was brick. I love brick! The kitchen was white. I love white kitchens! It was in a cul-de-sac! Guess what? Yep, I love cul-de-sacs.

The next day we put in an offer. We offered $199,000 and asked them to cover closing costs. When our offer was accepted a couple days later we were on top of the world. Our closing date was set for June 26th, a couple weeks before the wedding. It was all working out wonderfully.

I went to the bank by myself because Gab's work schedule wasn't going to allow him to be there. After an hour of being there we discovered that Gab's credit score was five point too low. Those five points cost us the loan and maybe the house. The only thing we could do was try to get the score up and then come back in a month and try again. I didn't know if the seller would be willing to wait a whole month just to see if we could get the loan.

I called Ray and told him the predicament. His expertise came into play and the next day I was on the phone with Debbie, who worked for SGI mortgage. Ray said that if she couldn't get us a loan then no one could. I actually knew Debbie slightly (benefits of small towns) and she knew my dad pretty well. So she gave us a step-by-step plan for increasing Gab's credit score and then she was going to do something called a rapid re-score where we could get the score back in a couple days instead of a month.

Well it worked. Gab's score went up twenty points. And once we started on the paperwork we discovered that going through SGI our closing costs would be $3,000; at the bank they would have been $10,000 plus we got a better interest rate. Basically my number one advice is to shop around. I felt a lot of pressure to hurry during this process because A) we had experienced not getting a house because someone got there first B) the wedding was coming up C) we were supposed to be out of our place July 2nd so we didn't have much wiggle room. But can you imagine my shock and relief when I realized that we had just saved $7,000 by going through a different company? Sure, the seller was paying closing costs but only up to $6,000 so that made a huge difference.

As long as this post already is I could easily double it by going into detail about our loan process. It was an endless, stressful mess. It got to the point where I was almost ready to walk away. I was going to walk away from my dream home! With the brick and white kitchen and fireplaces! But we were going big for our first time buying a home so bumps in the road were expected.  Plus ya know, I was planning a wedding at the same time (I don't recommend that).

Anyways, our closing date got pushed back twice and currently it was going to be July 3rd, two days before the wedding. The Monday of that week I got a phone call from Debbie saying that technically she was supposed to have called us the Friday before and told us sorry, but it wasn't going to happen. But she didn't! She wanted to try one more thing. What a champion. This literally wouldn't have happened without her and I can never thank her enough.

On July 3rd at noon we met at the title company and signed papers on our house. What a strange feeling that was. I don't know that I'll ever understand the whole process behind buying a house but I definitely thought we would be handed keys at this point. We weren't. Everything had to be sent to the deed company and because it was the afternoon the day before a holiday they didn't know if they would get to it that day. If they didn't we wouldn't be able to get keys for 1-2 weeks. We had all of our belongings in our cars and we were planning on having a 4th of July  bbq with all the family that was in town for the wedding. All we could do was leave and pray.

Hallelujah, prayers are answered. At 6:00 P.M that evening I met Ray at the house and was handed the keys! Oh how I loved those keys! We basically threw everything in the house that night and I went to bed completely exhausted but so satisfied, humble and grateful.

I talk about this a lot but I strongly believe that things happen how they are supposed to. I put my blood, sweat and tears into getting this house and it almost didn't happen three different times. So now that we're in it and I sleep here every night I know that this is where I'm supposed to be. And that's a good feeling.

The first photo of us and our first home!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Go big and then go home and then turn 24 and get a dog.

From July 3rd, 2014 to August 5th, 2014 I bought a house, got married, turned 24 and got a puppy. In that order.  It was the most insane time of my entire life and even though I'm writing this on my computer that sits in my office in my house with my puppy laying beside me and my husband changing my car's oil, I can hardly believe we pulled it all off. But we did. We did it and things turned out how they were supposed to. Which is a wonderful reality isn't it? That if something doesn't work out, it simply wasn't meant to, given that you worked hard and did all you could. And then sometimes you give it your all and you get what you wanted. And that's how I feel about Gab, and this house, and my pup. I worked so hard for these things and now they're mine. And yes, I do consider pestering Gab consistently and laying out detailed arguments about the benefits of a puppy very hard work.  Basically, I'm stoked to be on Team Tremblay taking on the world. 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

High school writings

I was cleaning out my closet and happened upon an essay I wrote as a senior in high school. I loved it and wanted it to have a more permanent home in case something happened to the paper copy. So the internet is permanent right?!

"The Day I Realized"

September 1st, 2007 was the day my Grandpa Amerson died. Up until this point there have only been two other deaths in my family, neither of which were tragic. I'm a 17-year-old senior in high school. My parents are still together; I have four rowdy brothers and two cute sisters. My friends are amazing; I have a very fulfilling religion; I do well in school, and fitness is a huge part of my life. Overall, my life, although not perfect, has been worry-free and great. What I'm trying to say is I've never thought about death that much; I've never had to. This funeral made me think about life, death and everything along with it.

I had just gotten home from work and was sitting at the kitchen table. My dad got home a few minutes later; he was the one that told me grandpa had died. it was unexpected and a little shocking. it definitely wasn't what I expected to hear that uneventful day.

Sad isn't the right word to describe his death. He was 62 years old. My grandpa was a victim of cancer. He had it in his throat and tongue. He ended up having to have his tongue and part of his throat removed. He ate the rest of his meals through a tube. Of course, he wasn't able to talk very well, but he always found a way to communicate his love to everyone.

If there is such a thing as a perfect death, my grandpa experienced it. My grandpa loved to go camping and fishing and be outdoors whenever he could. This was his true passion. He was pretty sick for a while but finally got well enough to say to my grandma, "Dawn, pack up; we're going up the mountain". They had been up there only two days when on the second night he got really, really sick. He said to my grandma, "Dawn, I'm dying". She replied by comforting him with the words, "It's ok, I'm here for you, I'm always here for you". She made him as comfortable as possible and he died peacefully in his sleep.

I contemplated not going to the funeral just because it's so hard to miss school, but I did go and I'm so glad I did. The family was rushing all morning to get ready in time for the hour drive to Cedar City. So all morning I didn't have much time to think about the actual funeral, but I know I did not plan on crying.

Well, things don't always go as planned. As soon as I entered the room where the viewing was held, I was holding back tears. I still can't explain why I was so emotional. There were a lot of pictures of him and the family and that's what really got me going because pictures affect me so much.

The service was amazing. We had a family prayer and that's when I finally let all the tears out. We were asked to come see my grandpa one more time and my grandma started talking to him. That was really hard and a little strange to watch.

They closed up the casket and we moved into the chapel for the eulogy and the talks. Listening to his eulogy was really great. There was so much about him that I didn't know that I found out that day. I was so mad at myself for not asking him more about his life and just finding out everything there is to know. He really was an amazing guy.

After the speeches and musical numbers, my grandma asked that if anyone wanted to go up and say something to please do so. I wanted to tell everybody my favorite memory of my grandpa, but before I got the courage to go up they ended that part of the service. I was so sad I didn't get to tell them about the time my grandpa and I had the best talk. My grandma and he came over to my house and I had just gotten home from school. That particular day I didn't have work or homework. So I got to hang out on the couch with my grandpa. He asked me a million questions about what I wanted to be when i grew up, where I wanted to go to school, and what my life goals were. I've never met someone that sincerely cared about my answers so much. I learned a lot from him that day.

When we got to the graveyard, and my dad said the dedicatory prayer, all I felt was peace. I knew that my grandpa wanted us to all have a good day, not one filled with mourning. We were sad he was gone, but he was truly in a better place where he didn't have to eat through a tube anymore.

So you're asking how the event changed my life. Well, all the questions I've never asked myself came pouring into my head. What will people say about me when I die? Will people cry and miss me? Am I going to heaven? I can't tell you how big this was to me. I'm young and naive and I have never even thought about this whole other side of life. I've thought about this a lot lately, and it's made me realize a whole list of things. I need to say hi to everyone I know. I need to ask questions and listen to the answers. I need to make people feel important and loved. I need to call my grandma and other grandparents "just to chat", along with all my other family. I need to make memories whenever I'm given the opportunity to. I need to laugh, and cry, and scream, and jump around. I need to give out hugs, and forgive people. I need to accomplish things, and learn all I can. I need to do all of this before it's too late, because I want my funeral to be more of a celebration than a mourning day.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

This Wednesday I took a quick trip to Las Vegas for the Magic show. This trip concluded the buying season. I'm sad to see it go because it's always a lot of fun but let's be real, the other day I had a benchmark meeting for my senior capstone and the bottom line was I need to step up my game or I'll be retaking the class. So I've done 6 hours of school work today before I allowed myself to write this post. 

This show is always full out, for example the video below. Desigual does this every year. He's painting the girl's clothes in a very dramatic and, I guess you could say, sensual way. Once the paint was on there he picked up a handful of glitter and blew it on the paint. So there's that. 

This show was a lot of fun because I finally feel like I know the process and I'm not stressing the whole time about doing it wrong or whatever. The hardest part is telling people no when they want you to double what you've picked out. The other hard part is not feeling ugly. I swear everyone there is gorgeous and done up to the nines. I mostly just feel short when I'm there. 

But! I'm very excited to get everything in. I love this time of year when everything is full of new spring orders and I can't keep up and my days fly by in a second. To sum up, I've got a pretty cool job. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Gab turns 25.

Valentine's Day is Gab's Birthday. His 25th this year! He's such a handsome 25 year old man. It's funny to think that one day I'll look at these pictures and totally trip out at how young we were. 

Since his birthday was a Friday, we both worked. When Gab got home from work he had to finish writing a paper that was due at midnight. So it wasn't until 9:00 that we ventured out into the world. We went to Rigatti's (best pizza in town) and picked up a medium half pepperoni (Gab's) and half chicken bacon ranch (mine) and a root beer. Then we drove up to the water tower overlooking the city, set up some blankets and sat down to eat pizza. Well Gab more like scarfed his. Apparently working and schooling all day makes a birthday boy very hungry. 

When we were done eating I asked him if he wanted to open his present that he had been asking for since midnight. So he opened the box and inside found a Hawaiian shirt. "Oh cool!", he says. I waited as long as I could before saying, "there's something in the pocket". He pulled out a piece of paper; it was an email confirmation saying, "congratulations! your cruise is booked!". He was very surprised so it was well worth all the trouble of booking it. We (Mike and I) were trying to buy them before his birthday but wanted to get a really good deal. Also, Gab wanted to plan a Moab trip for Spring Break so he texted a bunch of friends trying to plan it and we had to call everyone and tell them that it wasn't really going to happen. 

Happy Birthday my Schmab. I'm so excited about the direction our lives are headed! I love you. 

In which I up my game in the womanhood department.

When I was in 5th grade there were a couple girls in my class that came to school with sandals on. I don't know if this was the first time they wore them or just the first time I noticed but I asked them, "how come you're wearing sandals? You can't even run in them".

 This was coming from the girl that spent her recesses playing football with the boys and her after school time and weekends building bike jumps, climbing trees and the Red Mountain and always, always running everywhere I went. There was so much to do I just didn't have the time to walk around in sandals to get where I needed to go. I was a tomboy and dang proud of it. I wrestled neighborhood boys more than once. I punched neighborhood boys more than once.

 I have a picture of me in an easter outfit that was a cute little skirt and top that my mom bought for me. Guess what I'm wearing it with? Tennis shoes. And guess what I'm doing in the picture? Crouching down super lady like (not) to look under the van for easter eggs. I was going to find more than Chance. 

photographic evidence

Sure, I had girl friends and we played house and barbies, but my favorite days were the ones spent outside with my tennis shoes racking up mileage. 

Well this post went farther in that direction than planned but let's fast forward to present day when I finished my first crochet project. My womanhood was like, "I'm freeeee!" And I immediately got on Pinterest and pinned 100 new projects to try. It's satisfying, this whole creation thing. I dig it. 

P.S I chopped my hair but I am not ready to share. It got botched. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014


This week flew by just like they all do. Here is a recap. 

On Wednesday, I went to LA for the day. We visited the fashion district to scout out some new vendors and buy some inventory for our bare-looking store. It was my first time there besides the airport. The fashion district is enormous and it was really cool to go down and learn how that world works and get to do more buying. 

On Friday we helped a friend propose to another friend so that landed us in Snow Canyon hiking around that beautiful backdrop.  He did a fake proposal here to throw off the trail for the rest of the night. 

(she said yes!) 

I downloaded an app called gym-pact that pays you for meeting your health goals and charges you for not making them. I committed to 3 workouts and 10 veggies so I was busy making sure that all got done. 

The rest of the week was filled with homework, family time, beating Gab in stratego and watching The Walking Dead. I'm totally caught up and counting down the days until it starts up again. 

 January is almost over which always freaks me out. It's the fastest month, I swear. February will be insanely busy and a lot of fun. Gab turns 25, I'll be in Reno and Vegas for buying shows and the Heart Walk Foundation Gala is the 22nd. Bring it on, life.